Sunday, October 28, 2012

Blog #16 Guideline Interview

Demographic Information


Current Occupation:


Background Information

On subject:
Where did you live growing up?

Where did you go to school?

Did your parents value reading? Can you tell me about it?

Did they read to you as a small child? Can you tell me about it?

What is your favorite book that your parents read to you?

On parents:
Where did your parents grow up?

Where did they attend school?

Did they enjoy reading as a child? Can you tell me about it?

What is their level of education?

Exposure to Reading

At home:
Did you have books at home? Can you tell me what genres of books?

Did your parents read to you as a child?  Can you tell me about it?

What genre of books were your favorite? Dr. Seuss? Picture books? etc..

Did you enjoy reading as a small child? Can you tell me about it?

At school kindergarten-graduation :

How old were you when you began to read?

What grade did you begin reading in? Pre-K, Kindergarten or first?

Was there a library in your school? Were there many books? How often did your class go to the library?

What is your fondest memory about reading in elementary school? What is your least fondest memory?

Was reading difficult or easy? Can you tell me more about it?

How did your teachers introcduce you to reading?

Did you enjoy reading  in elementary school, middle school and high school?  What genres of books did you like?

As you become older, what types of work was related to reading? Book reports? research papers?

Did you read for leisure or only school related? Can you tell me about it?

When reading for school, did you only read what was required or did you expand it further?

When reading books in middle and high school, did you enjoy reading the required books? Were they boring? Did you comprehend the material if you were not interested in the genre?

What kinds of grades did you receive on book reports, projects and research papers?

Has your reading developed or evolved over your adult years? Can you tell me about it?

Does your occupation require you to do a lot of reading? What reading are you doing?

Do you read for leisure? What genre of books are your favorite? Can you tell me about it?

How do you compare your reading ability now to when you were a child? Do you read more or less? Is it for leisure? Or work?

Have you noticed changes in your reading over the years? Is it easier to comprehend material? Focusing? Distractions?

Does you occupation require you to read articles, books, ect.? Can you explain them to me?

Do you like to read books? Newspapers? Magazines?

Can you compare and contrast the reading that you have done in school with the reading you do as an adult? Is it for leisure? Work? Higher education? Children?

How has your reading ability evolved over the years? Is it easier to comprehend material now?

Do you enjoy reading more as an adult or a child? Can you explain it to me?

Looking back at your school days, did your school promote reading? How about your family?

What will you do to promote reading in your home? Will you encourage it?

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